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I originally planned to put all 40-something terms in one post, but it was too long, so I chopped it into two posts.

Is your firm seeking to become the dominant player in a particular market niche? Perhaps that includes designing spaces to host performances, creating retail environments that provide experiences unmatched by online shopping, or helping the mining sector walk more lightly on the planet.

One of the challenges of thought leadership marketing is around the amount of time it takes. Many marketing professionals have pointed this out to me – it’s not like creating an ad with a few words of text. It demands time from the marketing team, but more challenging – it demands time from the firm’s senior members, who are already too busy with client work, mentoring, supervising the work of juniors, and project management.

Staying current with developments in one’s field is important, so I attended the inaugural “Pinnacle” conference for experienced marketers, by the Society for Marketing Professional Services in October 2017.